Timetable management made trendy.

Omniscol schedule


Import the school data in 1 click
Configure your school in 2 moves
Generate your timetable in 3 minutes

Everything is ready! Customize at will
No more holes-full timetables: unused hours are hunted and limited to the minimum


Groups: half-classes, three groups over two classes, alignments, easily

Alternate weeks: A/B, A/B/C, as many as you need, all mixed together if you wish

Complex lessons: concatenate lessons, mix groups, add alternations

Allocation by week: green class, exam week, a new and temporary timetable is easily generated and assigned
Make your teachers happy: their preferences are granted!


Priority to students
Teachers preferences are respected
Blazing fast generation thanks to an innovative algorithm
No more insomnia: with Omniscol, every conundrum is now a breeze!
Try OmniScol for free!
Used for accessing your school (eg: "myschool" will be accessible by myschool.omniscol.com)
Domain name must be composed of 4 to 30 low case letters, numbers, "-" or "_". It must absolutely begin by a letter or a number.

International format for selected country (eg: +44141526374)

Inscription is moderated. If you possess a valid code, you will receive an email allowing you to open automatically your Omniscol school account.

Thank you for your interest in Omniscol! Please check your email for further instructions.