General Terms of Use

The site is published by:
Omniscol SAS, a French company with a capital of €5,555

Registration Paris number: 811 386 168
NAF code: 6201Z

Intra-community VAT number: FR67 81 13 86 168

Located at: 10 RUE DE LA PAIX 75002 PARIS 2, France

Phone : +331 86 65 69 84


The person in charge of publication is Gilles Blanc:

Intellectual property rights:

The general structure, as well as the texts, animated or still images, sounds, drawings, photographs, graphics and any other element composing the site, are the property of the Publisher.

The representation, total or partial of this site, by any process whatsoever, and / or elements appearing therein, without the express prior authorization of the Publisher, is prohibited, and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

Any reproduction and/or representation and/or redistribution, in whole or in part, on any electronic or non-electronic medium, present or future, is prohibited without express prior authorization. All requests for reproduction and/or representation and/or redistribution must be sent to the email address Similarly, information databases are protected. Any extraction or attempted extraction, whether total or partial, is likely to engage the civil and criminal liability of any offender.
Individuals are authorized to use the site in a strictly private setting by respecting the following conditions:

* the printed material may not be used for commercial purposes;

* any copy made retains the same copyright rights as the original material;

* the technology and processes used in the site may be subject to other intellectual property rights belonging to Omniscol SAS;

* the images published on the site are protected and may not be reproduced without the written consent of their owner;

* no logo or trademark appearing on the site may be printed or copied except as an illustration forming part of a text.

* All rights of Omniscol are reserved.

Applicable law and dispute resolution:
These T&Cs are subject to French law.
In case of disputes related to the services, you can, first of all, contact customer service in order to seek a solution together and amicably.

The Company’s customer service can be reached:
by e-mail to:
by post to the address: Omniscol, 10 RUE DE LA PAIX 75002 PARIS

In the absence of an amicable agreement between the Parties, the Customer is informed that he is entitled to resort to mediation in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 612-1 of the Consumer Code.